Saturday 3 November 2018

How other people hack your Facebook and how to anticipate it

How to Hack Other People and Anticipate - For social media users like Facebook, it is very important to maintain the security of your Facebook account so that it is not used by others. In some cases it often happens where the fb account cannot be opened, this can be caused because the password previously used has been replaced by someone else.

If something like this has happened, then there is no other way but to create a new Facebook account. This of course must be done, because the account you are using has been sabotaged by someone else. Even though you ask here and there, how to open my facebook? then the possibility of getting an answer is very small.

On the other hand, for other people who have ignorant thoughts, of course they will not stop searching for ways to hack other people's Facebook to be used without the knowledge of the account owner. So it is very important for you to also know how to hack Facebook which is often done by hackers or hijackers. The reason is of course, if you know how, you can take anticipatory actions so that this method is not applied to your fb account.

How to hack Facebook and how to secure a Facebook account

The most effective way to secure a Facebook account is if you know how to hack Facebook, which is often done by ignorant people. If you know how to hack a Facebook account, then you can think about how to secure a Facebook account. So, you will never complain "I can't open my Facebook account!" Or even to create a new Facebook account.

In launching the action, hackers or hijackers will use various methods to be able to break into or find out other people's Facebook passwords that will become victims. Therefore in this article we will discuss a number of ways that hackers use to hack your Facebook account and prevent yourself from attacking this hack.

1. Facebook phishingPhishing method is one of the most popular ways to hack someone else's Facebook account. By using the phishing method, the perpetrator will create a fake login page or make a copy of the Facebook login page that looks like the actual Facebook login page. Next you will be asked to enter via the fake login page. So when you type in your Facebook account username and password, the username and password will be stored on the perpetrator's computer.

How to protect yourself from Facebook Phishing

If you already know how to hack a Facebok account using the phishing method, then here are the preventative steps you can take to avoid this phishing attack.

1. Never log in your Facebook account on another computer.
2. Always avoid emails that ask you to enter your Facebook account in a new tab.
3. Never open a spam link given by your friends in a message box or via SMS.
4. Always use the Chrome browser, Chrome can identify phishing pages.
5. Use Antivirus on your computer, and make sure it's always updated.
6. Make sure you are on and check the web address again.

2. Keylogging
How to hack Facebook using the Keylogging method is a method that is done by installing a keylogger application on the victim's computer. Keylogger application will record every letter and word typed using the keyboard. If you type in your username and password when logging into Facebook, of course this keylogger application will record it.

How to Protect Yourself from a Keylogger
To avoid hacker attacks using Keyloggers, the following steps can be anticipated.

1. Install a good antivirus on your computer.
2. Never open your Facebook account on another computer.
3. Always download free software from trusted sites
4. Never download or get software from
5. sources that are not trusted.
6. Always scan pen drives for viruses.

3. Viewing the Saved Password from the Browser
As you know that every time you log in to the browser, the browser will ask to save the username and password used to log in on the computer. Anyone can hack your Facebook account and see the Facebook password stored in the browser. Just open the chrome: // settings / passwords URL and you will see your username and password in your Chrome browser.

How to protect yourself from this hack
The way you can protect yourself so that your Facebook password is not seen by others is by taking the following actions.

1. Never store your login password in your web browser.
2. Secure your Chrome browser with the password.
3. Always use a strong password on your computer, so that when the perpetrator wants to see all the stored passwords, he must first enter the computer password.

4. Mobile Phone Hacking
It is well known that resetting facebook passwords can be done through the Facebook application on the Smartphone. What if someone installs the Spy application or even the Remote application on your Smartphone. So, of course the perpetrator can easily reset your Facebook account password, because he has access to e-mail and sms.

How to Protect Yourself from Facebook Mobile Phone Hacking
To protect yourself from Mobile Phone Hacking, you can take the following precautions.

1. Never install unknown applications on your phone.
2. Always check your phone for suspicious applications.

5. Social Engineering
Social Engineering is a simple attack carried out by hackers, in this method hackers can gather as much information about victims as they can from various methods. If the victim uses a simple password such as his birth date, cellphone number, school name, boyfriend name and bicycle number, a hacker can easily guess your password and hack your Facebook account.

How to protect yourself from social engineering attacks
To protect yourself from Social Engineering, the following steps are anticipated:

1. Never use a simple or easy password on your Facebook account.
2. Never write your Facebook account on any paper or media.
3. Many people use the same password on different websites, my advice is never to use the same keywords for many websites.

6. Inspect Element Web Browser
On the Facebook site login page, you can see the masked password (******) by changing the type of keyword input as text from the check element in your browser. This method works in all modern browsers. Never leave your PC with a login page. Anyone can find out your Facebook password from this method.

Save yourself from hackers with this method

As a precautionary measure, do not ever store Facebook passwords on a Web browser.

7. Tabnapping
Currently, you can register and create an ID on any website from your Facebook account. Many websites create fake login pages and ask you to enter your Facebook username and password. Here hackers will create fake sites and ask users to log in from your Facebook account.

How to Protect Yourself from Tabnapping?

1. Avoid registering or logging in using a facebok account, especially if the site is not trusted.
2. Avoid spyware and freeware software.
3. Never play free games on websites that are not trusted.

8. Simple Logout Scenario
Many users never log out of their id or facebook account from a computer. So, anyone can use your Facebook account when you leave the computer.

How to anticipate this scenario

The best way you can do to avoid hacker attacks by using this method is to always issue your Facebook account when leaving your own computer.

That's 8 ways that hackers often use to hack your Facebook account. So for those of you who want to use someone else's Facebook account, you can try one of these methods. But, more important than that, you can take anticipatory actions to avoid hacker attacks that will use one of the hack fb methods.