Monday 22 October 2018

Windows 10 Will Be Able to Remove Unused Unlimited Applications

In addition to improvements and overall quality improvements, Windws 10 updates often bring new features and applications that are not necessarily useful for users. In the future, various kinds of "bloatware" that could not be erased this will be eliminated from the user's computer through a Windows 10 update prepared for next year.

This is known from the latest Windows 10 build (version 18262) for Windows Insider Program participants. According to Microsoft in a statement on his blog, the build coded "19H1" would give the option to uninstall a number of Windows 10 default applications.

How to delete it is through the context menu (right-click) in the application icon that will be deleted in the Start Menu, then select the "uninstall" option.

Cara menghapusnya adalah melalui context menu (klik kanan) di ikon aplikasi yang akan dihapus di Start Menu, lalu pilih opsi “uninstall”. Cara menghapus aplikasi bawaan Windows 10 dengan klik kanan di ikon. Beberapa aplikasi bawaan saat ini sudah bisa dicopot dari Windows 10. Nantinya daftar aplikasi bawaan yang bisa dihapus bakal bertambah banyak dengan hadirnya update baru tahun depan. Cara menghapus aplikasi bawaan Windows 10 dengan klik kanan di ikon. Beberapa aplikasi bawaan saat ini sudah bisa dicopot dari Windows 10. Nantinya daftar aplikasi bawaan yang bisa dihapus bakal bertambah banyak dengan hadirnya update baru tahun depan. ( Beberapa aplikasi bawaan tersebut termasuk 3D Viewer, Calculator, Calendar, Groove Music, Mail, Movies & TV, Paint 3D, Snip and Sketch, Sticky Notes, serta Voice Recorder. Daftar tersebut merupakan tambahan dari tujuh aplikasi bawaan, termasuk My Office, OneNote, Skype, dan Print 3D, yang saat ini sudah dapat dihapus oleh pengguna tanpa adanya pembaruan 19H1. Selain aplikasi-aplikasi tersebut, game yang secara otomatis terpasang di Windows juga dapat dihapus seperti Candy Crush Saga, Farmville 2, Disney Magic

Artikel ini telah tayang di dengan judul "Pengguna Windows 10 Bakal Bisa Hapus Aplikasi Bawaan yang Tak Terpakai",
Penulis : Bill Clinten
Editor : Oik Yusuf
 Some of the default applications include: 3D Viewer, Calculator, Calendar, Groove Music, Mail, Movies & TV, 3D Paint, Snip and Sketch, Sticky Notes, and Voice Recorder. The list is in addition to seven default applications, including My Office, OneNote, Skype, and 3D Print, which users can now delete without updating 19H1.

In addition to these applications, games that are automatically installed on Windows can also be deleted such as Candy Crush Saga, Farmville 2, Disney Magic

By removing unused default applications, the user can free up a little storage space and ease the memory (RAM) of the device.

In addition to this feature, it is not clear what other features will be included in the related update.

However, this update will bring freedom for Windows 10 users to better customize applications with device capabilities and individual needs.

Update 19H1 for Windows 10 is planned to be released to the public in April 2019 or later to ensure that no bugs can interfere.

Previously, the Windows 10 version 1809 update for October 2018 had a problem because it erased user data before finally being pulled and repaired by Microsoft.